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Why are people scared of Root Canals?

Why Are you procrastinate your root canal treatment? Why So Many People are Afraid of Root Canals (and Why They Shouldn’t Be) Within the American lexicon, the phrase “root canal” is instantly understood by everyone

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5 Steps to a Root Canal

Step 1: Consultation: Test the tooth in question. This includes x-rays and sensitivity tests. Step 2: Preparation: Anesthetics will be applied for comfort. A rubber damn will be used to help isolate the tooth. Step

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Root Canal vs Extraction

When a tooth becomes infected, there are two possible solutions: root canal or extraction. A root canal removes diseased nerve and pulp tissues, leaving the natural tooth intact. An extraction removes the entire tooth and

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Does A Root Canal Hurt?

Dr. Cho is an expert all around. I was in pain and he immediately remedied this, providing amazing service that was very gentle. He even followed up with me to make sure I was not

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